Oats XI under spinnaker on Hobart's Derwent River near the
end of its 2006 Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.
Oats XI in Hobart after taking out Line Honours in the 2006
Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.
Oats XI in Hobart recieve a warm Hobart welcome.
of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Geoff Lavis, congratulates
tactician, Iain Murray after presenting the Illingworth Trophy
for Line Honours, in the presence of owner Bob Oatley and skipper
Mark Richards.
of Wild Oats XI Bob Oatley and his equally elated skipper,
Mark Richards, with the Illingworth Trophy for Line Honours.
Mayor of the City of Hobart Rob Valentine welcomes the crew
of Wild Oats XI to Hobart.
Wriedt, Tasmanian Minister for Tourism, Arts and the Environment
presents Bob Oatley with a scaled down replica of the starting
cannon and skipper Mark Richards with the Illingworth Trophy.
jubilant member of the crew of Wild Oats XI at the medal presentation.