What remains of AAPT's boom after setting a spinnaker to chase
Skandia for third over the line. The incident happened overnight around 3:30am, around 20 miles somewhere off Cape Pillar.
According to Langman, they were already ahead of Konica Minolta and were catching up with Skandia. At that point, Langman
said "we decided to get a chute on and go really hard."
A bit of wear and tear on the helm.
Getting the main down was a bit of a task for the crew. Leaving it up
until to Tasman Island, they pointed the boat into the wind, got the main down and set up their tri-sail in combination with
a small jib to finish the race, fifth over the line.
The remains of the boom lashed down for the delivery trip to Victoria.
AAPT with Langman's Open 66 tied up alongside, the Tasmanian entry
Coogans Stores which crossed the line after Loki in seventh place.