Lou Abrahams, skipper of Challenge, accepts the divisional winners battle flags for IRC Division C from Matteo Mazzanti of Rolex. This was Lou's 43rd Hobart and he noted that he would be happy to equal the record of 44, set by his old friend John Bennetto, who sadly passed away a few days before the start of the race.
Graeme Wood, skipper of Wot's Next, accepts the divisional winners battle flag for IRC Division D.
Mike Freebairn, skipper of Ray White Koomooloo, accepts the
divisional winners battle flag for IRC Division E.
David Ferrall, skipper of Pekljus, accepts the divisional winners
battle flag for PHS Division.
The rare combination of battle flags, Overall Winner, Divisional
Winner and Line Honours Winner on display on Wild Oats XI.
Bob Oatley and Mark Richards with the Tattersalls Trophy.
The Wild Oats XI team including Tasmanian crew member Chris Harmsen far left.
The Wild Oats XI team.