Copyright and Intellectual Property. |
photographic images, graphics, written text, layout, design and any
other form of content found on this site and the websites of contributors
linked from the Outimage website are all protected by international
copyright laws.
When someone downloads another person's work to use for their personal
use without their consent, it is not only the income of the original artist
that is affected. When their work is stolen, the spiritual component from
the very heart of the artist (which ultimately provides the drive, motivation,
and passion to produce the work in the first place), is also heavily impacted.
Please also note that most if not all all photographs
published on this site carry a digital watermark
that allows for each image to be traced by
a third party web crawler, designed to find
Most photographic and written material found on the Outimage website and
any linked collaboration member sites are usually available for commercial
and media use. |